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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

My Name Personality Type

I am a ISTP which, is Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, and Perceiving. Introverts get there energy from being alone more, I am 9% more Introvert then extravert. I have a slight margin between Sensing and Institution, Sensing is more on senses and pay attention to the "big picture". I also have a slim margin between Thinking and Feeling, Thinking people think stuff over, Feeling people go with their gut. The last one also has a slim margin between Perceiving and Judging, Perceiving people are calm and are a "go with the flo" person. A famous person I share my personality with is Tom Cruise.

I think my personality type I got is pretty close to what I am. I get my energy from being by myself and only have a few close friends. I do think I am more Intuition than Sensing because I like to know the facts. Now I can see why I get tired more easily if I have to talk to a bunch of people, it's just how I am and I can't change that. I also like to be the leader of a group if no one starts to stand up to take the leader role.

I learned that I think more than go off of my feelings. I always thought that I went with my gut on decisions but now I notice I go through the possibilities in my head. I learned that look more at the big picture instead of noticing all the small things in life and other things. I did not know there was a personality for being wanting to be alone, like the Introversion and Extraversion. I am about in the middle of all the personalities.

I did a Lion, Otter, Golden Retriever, Beaver test which is another personality test. My animal I got was a Beaver which means that I am creative and that I like to solve everything. It also means I do not like sudden changes and I like to take my time on things. The strengths they have are high standards, Order, and Respect. The weaknesses are Unrealistic Expectations of self and others, also they can be too perfect. The second animal I got was Golden Retriever which are good at making friends and are very loyal. They can be very sensitive but they have a deep relationships with only a few friends. They do want to be loved by everyone. The strengths are that they are accommodating, Calm, and Affirming. The weaknesses are that they are Indecisive, Indifferent, Unable to express emotional,and can be too soft on other people.

Personality Type Test

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Photoshop animation

Squash and Stretch Video:

 Bouncing Ball Animation  

This animation was made in Photoshop and had to use different frames to create the ball bouncing. I used gradients to create a 3-D effect to it. To make it look like an actual bouncing ball I had to use the squash and stretch effect to show it bouncing.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Social Media


Summary about article
        "They loved your GPA, then they saw your tweets"
by Natasha Singer, is an article that explains how social
media can change how a college looks at someone. Even  
if a student has a 4.0 GPA colleges can still say no if they
see a rude or inappropriate tweet or picture. Students try
to get rid of their digital footprint when turning in a resume
for college. There is a job out there to check peoples Twitter
and see if they want that person in their school.

        Some things that surprised me were that 31 percent of
some schools are checking students Facebook to learn about
them. A student applied for college and the administrators
saw on his Facebook that he was posting rude and offensive
posts about a teacher from high school and they didn't accept
him. Some students amended their accounts before applying
like deleting posts and pictures.

          Things that i wonder if that what kinds of things did
they say to be declined into college. How do the administrators
know that it is not a imposter account and not the real one?
Will they still decline the student even though it wasn't them
that posted it? The last thing I wonder is that how do they find
students account and actually know it is that person?

 Social Media      

            I don't use a lot of social media, i go on Facebook to
see what's going on but rarely post. I think it is a dumb idea
to post things that you will regret later on. If you don't want
anyone to see it then don't post it. The only things I post are
things about concerts or things that I am going to.


Wednesday, October 7, 2015
